If you are looking for a media outlet to inform the residents of Waycross, Ware County, and surrounding communities of any upcoming community or area events, then look no further than your local broadcast service, Waycross TV, to deliver your media needs.

Waycross Area Television Service (Waycross TV) is a local PEG (Public Educational & Governmental) broadcast station for the residents of Waycross and Ware County, broadcasting via the local cable provider, Vyve Broadband on Channel 10. The station was established in 1987 to meet the needs of the Waycross City Commission to inform its residents on how the city departments operate and why legislation is enacted.
In 2011 the station revamped its content platform to include more material outside local governmental meetings. In 2015 the station expanded its broadcast range to include broadcasting its content via AT&T U-Verse on Channel 99 to the residents of Waycross and surrounding communities. The staff at Waycross TV are always striving to increase the quality of its entertainment material while maintaining community awareness.
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Broadcasted Content and More
Government Meetings:
- Waycross City Commission meetings (broadcast first and third Tues. of each month at 5pm, rebroadcast is the following Wed. after mtg. at 9:10am, 3pm, 7pm)
- Board of Education meetings (broadcast the Wednesday following the meeting on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:10am, 3pm, 7pm)
- Town Hall Meetings – Political discussions
- Election Results – After an election, coverage results (in an election year)
Events and Activities:
- Various festivals
- Parades – MLK Day Parade, Christmas Parade
- Concerts – Musical and vocal concerts with Ware Co. HS and Middle Schools, Waycross Brass
- Community Events – Kids fun day, Jags Caravan, Outdoor Expo, HS pep rallys, fashion show
- Coverage of various non-annual local calendar events
Church Services:
- Church Worship Services - Every Sun. starting 9am-10pm
Special Shows:
- City Talk - talk show discussing community events and topics of importance
- Sports Chat 10 -- Sports talk show - All things sports related
Miscellaneous Content:
- Word of the Day – Mon.-Fri.-A new word of the day to enhance vocabulary.
- Information Board – A series of PSA (Public Service Announcement) slides to inform viewers of upcoming events, information for the community, and public service announcements for safety.
- Weather Reports – Daily (Mon.-Fri.) live broadcasts of local Waycross/Ware County weather.